Most Americans have at least one credit card that they use on a regular basis. It can be easy to misuse a credit card and accrue a lot of debt, which is why it’s important to know how to use it the right way to improve your credit score and financial standing.

It’s important to use your credit card safely. You never know when someone might steal your data and charge purchases on your card. The situation might not even be as dramatic as that. You may find that a purchase was charged twice or that the merchant overcharged you. There are a lot of ways that you could find yourself in credit card trouble, some of which might be easier to fix than others. In the event that a call to your credit card company isn’t enough to dispute or remove a fraudulent charge, you may need to consult with a credit card debt attorney

Regardless of the reason, you might find yourself in the position of having to dispute a charge or ask for a refund. The problem is, this isn’t always an easy process to go through. It can be quite difficult and time-consuming to go through the process of disputing a charge. You might even find that the merchant will refuse to honor your request for a refund. 

Do you know how to handle this situation when it comes up? Would you even know how to dispute a charge? What are the best situations in which you should dispute a charge? This article will answer all those questions and more.


Sometimes you might run into a billing error that will require you to dispute the charge. You need to take care of this situation right away, and fortunately, the merchant is often willing to work with you to make it right.

Another situation that happens is fraud. It can be easy to gain access to your account information in this day and age, even with credit cards being marketed as increasingly secure payment options. Someone could steal your credit card number, or even your identity and take out a credit card in your name. Either way, hackers, scammers, and fraudsters are everywhere and if you find purchases being made in your name, you have every right to dispute the charges.

You might also find that the product that you ordered did not ship properly. Maybe it was broken or wasn’t what you expected it all. That is another instance in which you can dispute the charge. The first thing to do might be to try to work it out with the merchant instead of the credit card company. They may be willing to send you a new product or give you a refund. But if they don’t, you might have to resort to disputing the charge with your credit card company.


If you looked at your credit card statement and found a mistake, would you know how to dispute it? There may be multiple ways for you to dispute the charge. You may be able to get online and send your credit card company an email. But the best course of action is to call the company immediately. Do not wait for a single second. In the event of fraud, the company will most likely jump into action and remove that charge right away. 

There are laws that are designed to protect you in case of fraud. You are protected by the Fair Credit Billing Act, which states that consumers are not personally responsible for more than $50 in fraudulent charges as long as the charges are reported within 60 days of receiving the account statement. 

You should also know what to do if you’ve been overcharged or want a refund for a purchase made with your credit card. Most credit card companies will give you up to 60 days to contact them to dispute charges. They may even want you to contact them in writing and provide proof that you were overcharged. Most companies will then respond within 30 days and fix the problem within two billing cycles. 

If neither the merchant nor the credit card companies are willing to help, you can ask a credit card debt lawyer to deal with the situation. A good Plymouth bankruptcy lawyer will know the laws in your area that protect consumers against fraud and other issues. They can help you contact your credit card company and dispute the charges.


It’s important to note that every company will handle disputes differently. Some may add fees or interest to a disputed charge while you fight it. That’s a completely unfair thing to do, but the bank or company may have a specific process that must be followed to dispute a charge.

Banks often allow you to submit a dispute in the online banking center located on their websites. You can log into your account and file an online dispute. Again, the best course of action here is to call them and take care of the situation as soon as possible. You should also understand how long each bank might take to process a dispute. For example, Capital One can take up to 90 days. 

Some banks, like Wells Fargo, offer credit card perks such as zero-liability protection. This means that you’re never going to be held responsible for fraudulent charges. Some banks and credit cards offer this perk in an effort to fight back against fraud. They may want to help you, but you still need to understand the rules and regulations behind it.